Other Stuff

Tuesday, March 9, 2010


AHHHHHHH!!!!! The newest Kingdom Keepers book is set to come out on April 6, 2010!!! You can read an excerpt of it HERE. You can read my synopsis HERE. I'm sooo ExCiTed!!!!!

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Hello!!! It's been sooo long since I posted! What? Like 6 months? I know!!! Anyway... So have you ever read a series called Artemis Fowl? Well you should. They're now my fifth favorite series. (I have a lot of favorite series.) Artemis Fowl starts out descibing the life of a twelve year old Irish GENIUS named Artemis Fowl. (Obvious..) And goes on to tell how he discovers fairies! Yes I know. Weird. But it's good anyway. I can't really tell you any more with out giving away the whole thing. Not really. I just can't think of anything else to say. Ok. So go on now. READ!!!